
A Brand is a Voice and a Product is a Souvenir

An End is Only A Beginning In Disguise!

A Guide to People Analytics for Organisations

Onboarding – How To Get Your New Employees Up To Speed In Half The Time

Guide to Data Literacy for HR Professionals

Risk is just an expensive substitute for information

Equity v/s Equality in Workplace

What exactly is the Role of HR in the Scenario Planning

Guide to Workforce Optimisation

Post Pandemic HR Situation

Person Job Fit & Person Organisation Fit

HR no longer need to be based on “soft” reasoning but more on data-driven analysis

Motivation and Job Satisfaction at workplace

Changing technology and its impact on HR

Evolution of HR

Is HR only for large companies?

Why are your employees leaving?

EPS – Employee Pension Scheme and it’s benefits

ESIC – Government scheme for unemployment and other medical benefits

EDLI – Government scheme for life insurance to support family of the deceased